We usually provide training at a training location. For our training courses, both the public courses and the courses within the training, we also use an online learning environment. To this end, we create an account for you in our online learning environment. This account is retained for one year, in case of an individual training, 1.5 years in case of a one-year training course, and 1 year in case of a training course of less than one year. This is calculated from the start date of the course respectively the training date of an individual training.
To safeguard that participants in the full course who can (partly) not be present can still watch the course, we record the majority of the courses within trainings. This also falls under the implementation of the agreement. In case of courses within a training programme, the recordings are retained as long as we deem this to be required.
The recordings are posted in our online learning environment, which is only accessible to participants in the full training course. In case of participation in a training course that is being recorded during the course of which we record personal data, we do this on the basis of our justified interest, namely the interest in implementing the agreement with the participants in the training programme (as described above). If you, as an individual participant, object to this then you can communicate this at the start of the training or via the contact details via the website.
We can anonymise personal data that we obtain through the use of the website. This implies that the personal data originally obtained by us are rendered anonymous to such degree that the data subject can no longer be identified on the basis of the said data. Hence, the data are no longer personal data and privacy risks are consequently no longer associated with them.
We have a justified interest in the anonymisation of data. Namely, by means of the said anonymised data, we can conduct statistical research and improve our website.
We offer various possibilities to contact us. This can be done by telephone, but also by email and the contact form. To this end, we process the following personal data:
Full name;
(Business) email address;
Potential information that you personally share, e.g. content and subject of a message.
We use these data to properly handle your request to contact you and to implement the relevant agreement with you. We retain these data until we believe that you are satisfied with our reaction.